8 signs it´s time to change jobs
In the Czech Republic, people are slightly more conservative than in the Western countries, most often tend to change jobs after four to five years. Along with growing age, loyalty often increases, while young employees are not afraid to change more often. We have become accustomed to the fact that there are plenty of job offers on the market and we do not actually take that much risk by making an informed and considered decision to change jobs. So let's take a look at how we can recognize if i tis the right time to look around to see what other options are available to us on the job market.
1. Professional stagnation and lack of room for personal growth
Have you been in the same position for years and feel like you haven't learned anything new lately? And how other colleagues in your company are doing - for example, is their career progression an evidence that the company supports career development? What trainings have you received recently and have you had the opportunity to put the skills you've learned into practice? Can your work spark enthusiasm and a healthy professional curiosity? If you don't have satisfactory answers to these questions and your job has become monotonous, repetitive and lacking in prospects for a better and more interesting tomorrow, then it's certainly time to look for other opportunities.
2. Values mismatch
Every company has certain values and ideally looks for people on their team who share these values. But people come and go, and companies' priorities may change. If the company culture no longer suits you, there may be a difference of opinion or even confrontational situations. So you may be better off looking for a company that is closer to you in terms of opinion and culture.
3. Financial reasons
Salary is clearly and in the long term one of the most common reasons why people change jobs, but very rarely is it the only reason. Are you unhappy with your pay? Do a little research first. How do people with similar lengths of experience who work in a similar position to you fare? Ask around, ask friends or family, or use available salary guides or online salary checkers, for example here. Also take into account the location and industry of the company, as this can also play a significant role in the rewarding scheme. If your research clearly shows that you are underpaid, you can try looking for a new employer whose salary offer better suits your experience, contribution and needs.
4. Persistent discomfort and stress
It is quite common that when we are faced with a challenging task at work, we struggle with some level of nervousness. But if stress, worry and discomfort paralyse you with iron-clad regularity, keep you awake at night, you tend to procrastinate and go to work with a tight stomach, something is really wrong. If you think this is the direction you are heading, try opening up about the problem in the workplace first. If you can't find a satisfactory solution that will relieve you, it's time to start looking for a new job that will bring you not only career satisfaction, but also joy and peace of mind.
5. Long-term fatigue, exhaustion and burnout
Your job is not only your source of income, it should ideally also give you a sense of personal satisfaction, a sense of belonging, career satisfaction. You may come home tired, but in a way you are satisfied, and you should not lack the energy to pursue your family and your hobbies. Of course, we all have better days and worse days. But if you're feeling a high level of exhaustion every day that's adversely affecting your personal life and you're finding it hard to find work motivation, it's time to take action. One of them may be a new job.
6. Personal disagreements and poor working atmosphere
The simple fact is that the atmosphere in the workplace is one of the key factors we use to assess our job satisfaction. You don't have to be best friends with everyone, but the team of closest colleagues we work with and our direct manager are the people we should be able to get along well with. However, if the atmosphere in the company or team is toxic, your supervisor is almost impossible to get along with, and their expectations are unrealistic, you may have no choice but to move on.
7. Your workload affects your health
We've already touched on this topic earlier, but if there is a situation where your workload, stress and fatigue are having a negative impact on your physical or mental health, you need to take action. It is important to be completely honest with yourself at this time. What would help you to feel better? The ideal, of course, is if your employer can support you by taking appropriate actions. It is in both your interests to be in good health. If a change cannot be made in your workplace, you should now prioritise your health and consider a new workplace that gives you a better work-life balance and supports your wellbeing.
8. Follow your instincts
Sometimes you may feel that although everything seems to be going well, there is a nagging doubt as to whether you are really doing what you want and whether you are happy. If this is the case, it's definitely not a good idea to go to work the next day and throw your notice on the desk, but rather start considering your options carefully. Maybe you want to try a new field, maybe a different type of job, maybe you want to launch your own business or gain experience abroad, the opportunities are endless. Your intuition is usually right, so you shouldn´t be ignoring it. You just need to think through each step you take, with all the consequences that may arise.
The world of work is full of opportunities and luck favours the prepared. A new job means new possibilities, new opportunities, new experiences, new contacts, new acquaintances. If you're hesitant about whether your job is really still the right one for you, check out what's on offer right now, maybe a new position will take your career one step further.

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