
Manufacturing / Production

Welcome to Hays Manufacturing.

All our recruitment consultants within our Manufacturing division have plenty of experience recruiting for jobs with both large multinational and smaller and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Prague, Brno and across the Czech Republic.

Our consultants are passionate about what they do and build long-lasting relationships with their candidates. Dealing exclusively in Manufacturing jobs in the Czech Republic, they have an in-depth understanding of their specialism and market as well as a wide range of industry contacts and they can help to find you the ideal role.

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Career Advice

Decided to make a step further in your career? Here are some tips and recommendations for you to support you in different parts of recruitment process. 


How to cope with homeworking challenges, how to recognize that this job is the right for me or how to make myself ready to answer interview questions? Find out in our blog. 

CV Template

Not sure if your CV is good enough to be invited for an interview? Check our tips and dowload your CV template to let yourself shine!

Your Interview Guide

The perfect preparation leads to a success: dowload your interview guide to help you get ready.

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